I want to be old like this…

1 min readApr 27, 2024

Like when the teenagers would call me granny, I would pull my wrinkles into a smile and call them my children.

When the summer would be too hot, I would pull out a cucumber and have it with sugar, because you see nobody will know.

When my children will be getting married, I would pester them for kids, but not too much, I wouldn’t want them to stress out.

When the church choir would sing hallelujah on Christmas, I would think instead of the smell of the bread and cakes I will be having later.

When the daily newspaper comes, I would make paper hats and wear them all day long. For all I know, people will think I’m cute anyways.

I want to be old like a person who learned how to knit just in time for the arrival of little jimmy, or maybe Paul, or maybe Margaret or maybe a gender neutral Alex.


Picture credits to the respective artist. This is an original work, kindly do not repost without permission. Stay tunes for the next one!




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